The Lift Like Lincoln Story
My name's Austin Lincoln and I'm the owner of Lift Like Lincoln.
I'm a Certified Personal Trainer through one of the most highly respected certifying organizations, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).
I have a B.S. Degree in Economics and a B.S. in Business Management/Entrepreneurship through Arizona State University, where I graduated Magna Cum Laude.
My fitness journey started back when I was attending ASU starting in 2009.
When I began, I wanted to look like the guys that were walking around my university campus in 2009. Unfortunately, while I didn't look terrible, I struggled to understand what would work for my fat-loss goals. It was hard to watch so many other people lifting weights and seemingly getting the results I wanted.
As with most students, I was also incredibly tired and sluggish most of the time between all of my responsibilities.
I unfortunately stagnated and got very discouraged.
I read dozens of articles online on what the "best" diet was or what the "best" workout was. And pretty soon, I found out that the internet wasn't a very great place to learn about what I needed to do.
The problem was there were too many conflicting pieces of information. Some would say that you had to lift only heavy weights in order to build muscle, but others said you could do high-repetition work with light weights. Some said you had to do short bursts of cardio in order to maximize weight loss, while others said you should do steady and moderate cardio.
It was confusing to say the least.
And my energy and fitness levels really didn't improve after graduating and entering the workforce either.
Like many people, my fat kept slowly accumulating while my muscle didn't seem to grow very much.
There was also the problem of sifting through what the REAL information was. It involved reading a TON of information about how the body works, how muscles work, hormones, physics, and psychology. Then, I looked at the studies that were done by professionals.
Then, I applied what I learned to myself. With some effort and dedication, the results speak for themselves.
I became a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) in 2019 and began training clients because I wanted to spread the correct information to the people who need it most.
I started this because I believe that the hardworking men and women in our country deserve coaching that increases their energy and decreases fat.
They need energy, strength and health for the people and things that count on them everyday.
After having dramatically changed my own body, and increased my own energy levels and of others, I know that my fat-loss and energy-increasing programs work and that they can help you too.
Schedule an absolutely FREE consultation with me today, and get started on your way to more energy, strength and fitness for the road ahead.